In association with Crashdown, MAD Online, We Want Roswell Back, Roswell Campaign, TNS_Fans, and Night Shift DE the following is a note to indicate that while you may have heard noise about a “Roswell” Reboot being developed for the CW – BARON + TOLUCA is still very much in development and is an entirely different concept aside from the CW’s news.
You’ve probably heard, Roswell is considered in getting a reboot. Intrigued? So are we! But before you get super excited we should warn you, that this CW Reboot means new cast, new story, and new mystery. It sounds really cool, but naturally a lot of Roswell fans, especially the die hard ones, wanted something with the original cast back. The Roswell fans have been wanting some type of Revival for years. Getting this news may be exciting but also…a little disheartening.
So why not make EVERYONE happy- those that are excited for this new treat, means great news! But what about all those fans that wanted the original cast?
CUE IN B+T. Brendan Fehr and Majandra Delfino who played Michael and Maria, respectively on the Roswell series, have banded together to to take our beloved show and carry it into a slightly different concept—one that will even feature our favorite Roswell cast members appearing from time to time, as Brendan has said in a couple Facebook Live chats.”
So this Saturday let’s Tweet to @NETFLIX AND @HULU that we want B+T! For those of you that haven’t heard, the promo and synopsis can all be found here: http://www.baronandtoluca.com/
“Let’s spend the whole of Saturday, October 14th, tweeting, posting, and sharing our fervor with Netflix and Hulu with the hashtags #NETFLXforBandT and #HULUforBandT and the link of the promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix-t3wlUuwU&t=9s. Feel free to add pictures and GIFS to attract more fans to step up! We want those old feels ignited by the original cast. Let’s DO THIS!
Aside from this? I’ve added some left over pictures that I left out of the last update due to time. First, are the rest of the BTS Photos for Season 4 of Night Shift. Next, is some left over promo material from “The Forsaken”. Finally, I’ve added BTS Photos to the gallery of Brendan filming for “Brotherhood”.