I’ve added a set of 7 new UHQ’s to the gallery from yesterday’s NBCUniveral Summer Press Day photoshoot that was done of Brendan (and his Night Shift co-stars). Huge thanks to jessicalange.org as well as far, far away site for the help.

I’ve added a set of 67 new UHQ’s to the gallery from this week’s NBCUniversal Summer Press Day that took place. Huge thanks to Tania at dane-dehaan.org Note: This brings the total number of pictures to 126 for the entire event.

In addition, click below to check out interviews Brendan and co-star JR Lemon did that talks abut Season 4 of the Night Shift. (Brendan is confused for co-star Eoin Macken in one).
Also, click below to see a video of Brendan arriving at the event. Thanks to TNS_Fans for the heads up.